Friday, July 8, 2011

What a week!

This week has been a little on the crazy side...everything from setting mice traps to putting paint thinner in the car to TRY to start it.Guess what it didnt work. haha Oh Mexico! Well this has been a very emotional week for me also. The sad part most of the emotional part has to deal with drama going on back in the United States. I have an amazing mom though who is always there when I need her even if we are in different countries. I know that Satan is really attacking this week but I have the One and only on my I am not going to let it bother me. I am asking for prayer for my future decisions especially once I get back home. I know God is moving in my life right now and has amazing things planned but the steps to get there might not be fun or easy. Prayers for wisdom and strength would be greatly appreciated.        
 Last Sunday I got to pray in Spanish for the childrens offereing. I had help with preparing and rehearsing my prayer. The kids thought it was cool to hear me pray in their language.Some of the kids even came up and gave me hugs and told me I did good. I cannot wait until I can communicate more in Spanish. One of the little boys said my prayer was too short. I think he is four and didnt understand how hard just that short prayer was for me. haha I love kids.
 I have been working on some scenery for the upcoming Vacation Bible School or as they call it in Mexico Curso de Verano. I am not very creative so I found some ideas on the internet and have two very creative people helping me. Maximo gets to draw and design the taxis and me and Jacqui worked on stop lights. The theme this year is Adventure in the Big Apple which is kind of hard since we are in Mexico. I think we have decided just to do a big city theme. That means lots of tall buildings, taxis, and some roads. I am so excited to see how it turns out. Everyone knows I love kids so VBS is right up my alley.
Well this week has also been the week when a lot of youth took exams to see if they get into the university or some graduated high school. I got to go to a graduation ceremony and then to the girls party afterwards. They made me dance which was just interesting haha Then yesterday I went to a graduation party for another girl. The family I live with have two kids who took exams to see if they get into the university.There was lots of preparing and praying before hand. It was amazing to see a church come around the youth and lay hands on them for these things. The daughter Sandy found out today that she passed!! Everyone is so happy for her and it made her parents very proud. Now they are waiting to see if their son passed. He keeps putting off checking though. He could have found out yesterday but found every excuse not to look. I think I convinced him to find out today. Why wait!!! This is such an exciting and nervous time for the youth of the church but amazing to see them drawn together from it.
I cant believe the summer is half over because it has gone by so fast. Thank you supporters for giving me this opportunity!!! It has been life changing so far and I still have more changing to do.