Monday, February 10, 2014

Help me pay my student loans and feed the homeless~

 God put a calling on my life to live in Mexico. I am currently living, working, tutoring and married in Mexico. Remember everyone I get paid in pesos! :) My student loans are overwhelming every month so I got an idea. I thought for every $100 dollars I raise towards my student loans I would have a meal with a homeless person and share with them the gospel. I will post pictures of course so you can see your money at work. Please be apart of helping pay my student loans so I can keep teaching the wonderful children of Mexico! Thank you in advance!  - See more at:

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, I am learning about this town due to the fact my husband of 6 years is from there. I currently reside in South Carolina, however I can't wait until our first visit to his town to meet his family. However, I do have some concerns and I was wondering if you could lighten them up a little. We have 2 small children together and I am a blonde hair blue eyed american lol, and feel I would be a target. Would you say the crime in this town is bad and what type and an estimate of crimes within this town? If you could provide me a with a little more information and provide me also with a paypal email, I could send you some funds to help you out with your classroom and such. Please contact me back asap,
